Classmates, I hope you had a Happy Hanukkah, a Merry Christmas, and a Holiday Season of cheer heading into the 2023.
The following is cut and paste from Council of Class Presidents and Athletic and Scholarship Program meetings in late November and December, followed by edited Class Gift Summary of George Watt’s. I take full responsibility for typos, different fonts, misalignment, etc. Obviously, intuitively to the casual observer, some material is dated, such as Army-Navy wins/losses, dollars, and I ask your tolerance of such. Thank you.
First, however, is that Doug Rice and Committee are hard at work preparing details (locations, buses, costs, etc) necessary for 50th Reunion Registration. Stand by!
“USNA Council of Class Presidents (COCP) Fall 2022 Meeting Minutes
Meeting was called to order at 0745 on Friday, December 2, 2022, by USNA COCP Chair, Mr. Stephen Comiskey ‘69, using the Class of 1969 Gavel and Sounding Board crafted of wood from the deck and side of the USS Constitution (“Old Ironsides”).
Chair opening comments:
- As Class Presidents and members of the COCP, we need to be welcoming, we need to be communicating, and we need to be educating. We need to be welcoming to each other. We need to be communicating to our Classes and keeping them informed. Educating is also part of what we need to be doing; and we need to ensure that we are passing on factual information – accurate information. We also need to be doing our best to be correcting inaccurate information.
- We are part of a three-legged stool; Alumni Association is one leg and is funded by the Foundation; NAAA is another leg and is funded by A&SP (among other sources); and, finally, the COCP is the third leg and it is not funded directly, but we represent all of our constituents: all USNA alumni.
- There are seven Class Presidents – the seven Decade Reps – that represent all alumni as Trustees at the Alumni Association Board meetings.
- Initiated by the Class of 1939 many decades ago, and now the responsibility of the Class of 1969, each year a Gavel and Sounding Board (G&SB) made from wood of the sides and the decks of the USS Constitution (“Old Ironsides”) is presented by the Class of 1969 to the President of the graduating USNA Class to hold in trust for all of their Classmates and to pass on to their future Class Presidents and then eventually to pass on to the graduating Class President of their junior Link in the Chain Class. We will be presenting such Gavels & Sounding Boards not to Class Presidents today, but to the Superintendent, to the Chair of the Foundation, and to the Chair of the Alumni Association. Because of scheduling conflicts, the Chair of the Athletic and Scholarship Programs and the Director of Athletics are unable to be here with us today. The Class of 1969 will be presenting their USS Constitution G&SB to each of them over the next few days.
Brief by LCDR Steve Fischer ’83: SS Central America Bell Monument (Herndon Bell)
- CDR Herndon was in command of SS Central America on 12 September 1857 when it was lost in a storm. Though 425 perished, through CDR Herndon’s efforts, 153 lives were saved.
- The Herndon ship’s bell was found in 1988 and was gifted to USNA through the Class of 1983. Fortunately, both SECNAV and the Supe are from the Class of 1983 and they were able to assist with this gift to USNA valued at $970K.
- The Herndon Bell is mounted in the vicinity of Herndon monument and will be rung during the Herndon climb each year.
Here is LCDR Fischer’s Power Point Presentation: https://s3.amazonaws.com/web.usna.com/PPTs/2022/Fall-COCP-FischerSlides.pptx
Brief by VADM Sean Buck ’83, 63rd USNA Superintendent:
- COVID is in the rear-view mirror. Ops normal with in-person classes, Summer training, Summer Seminar, etc.
- Service selection was just conducted. One change from previous years is that physically qualified Midshipmen are now allowed to go Information Warfare.
- Major Yard infrastructure projects in progress are the total refurbishment of McDonough Hall and repairs to Farragut seawall that will repair both the roadbed and the crumbling seawall and raise it to account for rising sea levels.
- Last year we were 20-4 vs. Army. We are currently 3-4, but will be 5-4 after swimming and diving beat Army today … and 6-4 after next weekend’s Army- Navy football game!
- Key metrics were briefed. USNA graduation rate is 91.2% and is better than other Service Academies. Applications in 2021 dropped about 20%. Looking to return to normal now that recruiting trips, Summer Seminar, STEM camps and overnight visits are allowed. Current academic attrition is only 1.2%, which is leading the nation. 80% of graduates that go Navy are STEM majors, which exceeds the Navy’s 65% requirement. USNA operating and infrastructure budgets are a good news story. Philanthropy allows USNA to go from good to great. USN URL officers commissioned at USNA are retained at a much higher rate than the other commissioning sources and positively show the return on investment.
- Naming commission. Established by law to ensure that those who fought for the Confederacy are not memorialized on naval and military bases. At USNA: Buchanan House, Buchanan Rd, and Maury Hall all have to be renamed. They will be renamed no earlier than December 19, 2022 and no later than January 2024 by the CNO.
- Tamanend. Tecumseh was never the name of that statue, it was always Tamanend. The figurehead off USS DELAWARE was gifted to USNA and the Mids mis-named it Tecumseh, who was a warrior but who fought against the United States. In 1930 when the bronze statue was gifted by the Class of 1891, it was called Tamanend. As for painting the statue, we do not paint the other bronze statues on the Yard as to do so would be disrespectful. So a compromise was reached, and a new base was constructed that is now being painted by the 9th Company for Football Game weekends and other Midshipmen spirit events. In the past, the painting and then the cleaning of the paint off the statue was wearing down the statue itself. The new base is removed to be painted and repainted; and this new process does no damage to the statue itself. The Supe made these decisions.
- COVID-19 vaccine. Not a single diploma or commission has been denied and no Midshipmen have been kicked out for not having a COVID vaccine. The current DoD policy is that you must be vaccinated to serve. If the policy does not change, then the day before graduation someone may not be commissioned. (Note: Since the Supe’s comments the Congress voted to rescind the DoD’s COVID vaccine policy.)
- Supreme Court Case. Q: Is race allowed to be used as a consideration for admissions? A: The Supreme Court decision has not been made yet. Currently, when someone applies to USNA, we know in their application their GPA, sports, race, gender, etc. and we use that to measure the whole person. Race and gender are not used to “grade” the candidates. USNA will follow the law and the Supreme court’s decision once it is published.
- Fixing Farragut seawall is the first of many steps required to protect the infrastructure of USNA — to include the Columbarium — from rising sea level. The engineering study has been done and you will see projects over the next 50 years to keep ahead of the challenges of protecting and improving the seawall and the Columbarium.
Here is VADM Buck’s Power Point Presentation: https://s3.amazonaws.com/web.usna.com/PPTs/2022/Fall-COCP- SupesBrief.pptx
Remarks by Guest Speaker, Marine General John R. Allen ’76 [DM-I have included the General’s slides rather than try to summarize. Thought provoking presentation, to say the least.]
Remarks by Mr. Ron Terwilliger ’63, Chairman, USNA Foundation Board of Directors
- The USNA Foundation exists to raise funds to support the mission of USNA and the Alumni Association. USNA relies on the margin of excellence provided by philanthropy to make up for the shortage in federal funding.
- Our past two fundraising campaigns were very successful. Planning is underway to prepare for the next campaign. The slides go through the Foundation’s organization and planning timeline.
- Expect the next campaign’s quiet phase to begin in April 2024.
- The money raised during the last campaign will have been spent or assigned to be spent before the next campaign kicks off.
- The Foundation is looking at establishing an endowment so that giving can occur in perpetuity.
https://s3.amazonaws.com/web.usna.com/PPTs/2022/Fall-COCP- TerwilligerSlides.pptx
Remarks by ADM Mark Ferguson ’78, Chairman, USNA Alumni Association Board of Trustees
- His tour is half over. His focus has been on governance, strategic direction, communications, and alignment with the Foundation.
- We are back on track with the DGA program and had a record number of DGA nominations for this year. The DGA selection panel is very diverse.
- He has established – based on feedback from the Ad Hoc committee – a Standards of Conduct for board members and trustees of the Alumni Association.
- The Alumni Association is considering two new shared interest groups: one for surviving spouses and one for angel investors/contributors.
- The new Alumni Center construction is going well. The Alumni Association is working hard on the usage policies that will go into effect next Fall and is looking for inputs from all Alumni.
- Strategic Plan 2030 development is ongoing.
Remarks by CAPT Don Hughes ’88, USNA Athletic & Scholarship Programs
- Athletic & Scholarship Programs is a part of the Foundation and is charged with supporting A&SP Foundation students and supporting the USNA physical mission
- There are 250 A&SP trustees, all of whom donate at the President’s Circle level.
- Each year we enroll approximately 50 Foundation prep school students. A&SP funds approximately 1⁄3 of the cost of their education, with the family and each individual school funding the rest.
- Navy’s physical mission is reliant on philanthropy provided by the Athletic Excellence Fund. Federal funding only supports physical education … 35 varsity and 15 club sports are funded by the Athletic Excellence Fund.
- It’s important that as a Class determines their giving levels each year, and especially during the 30th, 40th and 50th reunion years, that they contribute to the Athletic Excellence Fund and to the Physical Mission of USNA.
Naval Academy Minority Association (Alumni Association Shared Interest Group) remarks by RADM Julius Caesar ‘77
- The Naval Academy Minority Association (NAMA) Alumni Association Shared Interest Group is a unifying organization.
- We work hard to attract minority STEM high school students, many of whom cannot afford a plane ticket or the tuition to visit USNA STEM Camp or Summer Seminar. We also provide support with their applications to USNA and NAPS.
- We work hard to motivate and to retain minority Midshipmen.
- We support affinity groups on the Yard ranging from Gospel Choir, Latin American Studies Club, Filipino-American Midshipmen Club, etc.
- We provide networking opportunities, outreach and engagement to diverse Alumni.
- This year’s NAMA Leadership Forum was a success. Save the date of 4/28/23 and 4/29/23 for next year’s NAMA’s Leadership Forum with a focus on “Strengthening Our Competitive Advantage Through Inclusive Leadership“.
- NAMA is about making all of our Midshipmen and Alumni better leaders.
USNA Alumni Association and Foundation Reports
- Mr. Jeff Webb ’95, CEO & President, USNA Alumni Association & Foundation
- Been in the job for six months now. Been busy working the organization and filling gaps.
- Working out of five different locations and looking forward to having everyone together in one location in the new Alumni Center.
- We do not have perpetual dollars and look forward to establishing an endowment.
- The Alumni Association, Foundation and Athletic & Scholarship Programs Enterprise are integrated and exist to:
- Support USNA;
- Support Legacy projects like Distinguished Graduates, Another Link in the Chain, Fallen Heroes, etc.;
- We support relationship building with Reunions, Chapters, Tailgates, Shared Interest Groups, SACC, etc.
New shared interest groups that were approved in September:
- . Naval Engineers and STEM Advocates (NESA)
- . USNA Pride (LGBTQ+)
- . Pending shared interest group: Entrepreneurs.
The CEO’s goal is to have Grateful, Networked, Engaged Alumni that are Passionate Supporters of USNA & AA&F in order to provide Midshipmen with Superior Training & Experiences at USNA.
- 52% of the American public are not aware of USNA. One of the strategic goals will be to educate the public about USNA.
https://s3.amazonaws.com/web.usna.com/PPTs/2022/Fall-COCP- CEOReport.pptx
Mr. Bob Gast ’81, EVP and CFO, USNA AA&F
There are three budgets that are managed: Annual Operating budget, Campaign budget and the Alumni Center budget. There is also a portfolio of investments that is managed.
For FY22, the Operational budget is at a surplus of $3.5M despite a loss in investments of $16M. The surplus has allowed us to build up reserves. Our reserves have never been stronger in our history.
https://s3.amazonaws.com/web.usna.com/PPTs/2022/Fall-COCP- GastSlides.pptx
Mr. Wes Huey, ‘87 Executive Director Communications – Strategic Planning Update
- A diverse committee has been formed to prepare the 2030 Strategic Plan.
- The committee is meeting bi-weekly.
- Alumni survey data is being incorporated in the Strategic Plan.
- Three Strategic Initiatives were identified: Engagement, Communication, Culture and Inclusion.
- Key next steps:
- Conduct Best Practice Research;
- Focus on areas of emphasis – our strategic initiatives;
- Work draft plan with key stakeholders;
- Conduct “Are we ready” evaluation (Jan-Feb);
- Develop detailed action plans, metrics, tracking, accountability (Feb-Apr);
- Present to USNA Alumni Association BOT for approval at the Alumni Association Spring Meeting.
https://s3.amazonaws.com/web.usna.com/PPTs/2022/Fall-COCP- StrategicPlanningUpdate.pptx
Dr. Sofi Loomis ’99, Senior Director Engagement, Alumni Association
- 19 Classes participated in reunions this past year.
- 130 AA&F events have been conducted so far this year (Classes, Chapters, Parents Clubs, SIG, etc.).
- myUSNA.com is up and running. All the alumni profiles have been uploaded. Many Classes, Chapters, Parent Groups and SIGS are already using myUSNA.com. Support is available if you want to transition your Class website to myUSNA.com. Expect all Classes to transition to myUSNA.com by June 2023.
- There are approximately 100 spots left in the Alumni Travel package to the August 26, 2023, Navy – Notre Dame game in Dublin.
- Both the Service Academies Career Conferences (SACC) and the USNA Alumni Mentoring Program (AMP) are each going strong. AMP now has over 4,000 USNA Alumni enrolled.
- AMP continues to need Mentors and Proteges from all Classes to enroll in AMP both to provide mentoring to other Alumni and to receive mentoring from other Alumni. Go to: www.usna.com/amp for more information and to enroll.
https://s3.amazonaws.com/web.usna.com/PPTs/2022/Fall-COCP- EngagementReport.pptx
Mr. Bill O’Connor, Executive Vice President, Foundation
- Our last campaign was very successful, raising $541M. Of that, $130M will be realized from pledges over the next 10 years.
- A majority (35%) of the money raised went to academics. NAAA is next at 20%.
- People, programs and facilities were funded across the Yard.
- The future campaign goal to fund USNA and AA&F through 2030 is being worked on.
- Classes will play a huge role in having a successful 2030 campaign.
- A reminder that December 31, 2022, is the deadline to give at the Plankowner level and to have your name on the wall in the Alumni Center in perpetuity.
https://s3.amazonaws.com/web.usna.com/PPTs/2022/Fall-COCP- FoundationSlides.pptx
Alumni Center Update by CAPT Don Kennedy ’92, Senior Director Events and Facilities
- The Alumni Center is on schedule and budget. Building will be completed Spring/Summer ‘23. After move in, expect the Alumni Center to be operational in the Fall of ‘23.
- Transition planning is underway for furniture and furnishings, move, facility operations and event operations.
- The new Center has lots of room and will be able to accommodate events that range from reunions to weddings.
- Priority during the Fall of ‘23 will go to Mission and Alumni events.
- Beginning in the Spring of ‘23 there will be an Alumni Center page on the USNA.com website.
- Catering business plan is still being developed.
- Questions on the Alumni Center and events contact don.kennedy@usna.com and M: 904.708.3001
Brief by Mr. Chet Gladchuk, USNA Director of Athletics (pre-recorded presentation) and by Mr. Tim Ford, Assistant Director of Athletics (in person)
Thank you for all you did to support the physical mission during the last fundraising campaign which has provided our Midshipmen with the margin of excellence to win on the field and helps develop them to be leaders that will win in battle.
- The physical mission is integral to the development of Midshipmen.
- This past year we added two varsity sports; Men’s and Women’s varsity rugby, and they are each performing phenomenally.
- This year we are adding two more varsity sports to make 37; Women’s squash and Women’s triathlon are being added. We have more division one varsity sports than any other school.
- For the 9th year in a row we have won the Patriot League President’s Cup.
- We have to reclaim the Commander in Chief’s trophy and get back to Bowl games. We each understand how important that is to the Academy, to the Midshipmen, to all of us, and to all Alumni.
Physical mission capital projects being planned include:
- An additional 18-hole golf course on Greenbury Point;
- Upgrades to the Dyer tennis facility on the Yard;
- The indoor tennis facility will have bleachers and scoreboards;
- A Lacrosse facility adjacent to Glenn Warner Soccer facility is in the planning stage;
- An outdoor aquatics facility where the South Severn pool is currently located is also being planned as pools are in short supply;
- Enhancements to Navy Marine Corps Memorial stadium;
- Gardens outside the ‘53 pavilion will be completed for the 2023 football season;
- Enclose the flag reception area above Yeager pavilion.
There is no thought to moving Air Force game to a neutral site.
There was a question about athletes being told by their coaches to not participate in the Herndon climb. Tim was unaware and will get an answer from Chet.
Coaches are working to ensure that players understand that their commitment is beyond four years and not to be shortsighted by using the transfer portal.
Decade reports were provided [most reports about reunions, ALITC, but I included following]:
40/50’s Gordon Gerson ‘58:
- There are over 100 living USNA WW2 veterans
- Concern about the strategic plan including maintenance for monuments on the Yard that are deteriorating as well as the museum.
- What is the plan to save the Columbarium from rising sea level? Nothing has been provided. A comment was made that the Architect of the Academy, Sarah Philips, has been doing studies and the Supe earlier reported that we will be seeing the results of those studies.
Brief on Class Health Support by Mr. Mitch Henderson ’65:
- Class of ‘65 has established a comprehensive health support network amongst the Classes.
- By communicating and sharing experiences, they are finding and helping with common problems (Parkinson’s disease, prostate cancer, agent orange, etc.) and leaving no one behind.
- They are establishing and providing best practices and points of contacts for dealing with the VA.
- Other Classes are now onboard, too.
- . Please see the materials provided by Mitch Henderson ’65, which will be sent as a separate email and as attachments to that email, for more details and for contact information.
[Note:: With all due respect to ‘64, under Bill Short’s leadership, the 1973 Class website has much more vetted information on Agent Orange, Parkinson’s (led by Bob Bartron), etc. Bill is working with ‘65.]
The following is edited update from George Watt. Dollar figures, participation percentages are dynamic and will be updated after 1/1/23, but order of magnitude is very much correct.
“You have likely seen a recent update posted on website from regarding the Color Company Competition (percent of Company participation). Much progress has been made and mathematically, no Company is eliminated. And, all Companies have another 8 months or so to get up to Fleet Standard and to win the Competition (rest assured, the recognition will be incredible, distinctive and tasteful).
With that, here are other important Campaign Top Line results through the closing of the Foundation books on 10/31/2022:
Campaign Progress
Against our $2 Million Strategic Initiatives goal, we’ve raised $ 2,446,072 in total gifts/commitments [122% of goal]
- Naval Academy Fund: $ 802,695 [268% of goal !]
- Support to Academic Excellence [Cyber Tutor]: $ 481,568 [80.3% of goal]
- Support to Leadership/Character Excellence & Fred Minier Ethics Fellow: $ 534,068 [89% of goal]
- Support to Physical Mission & Heinz Lenz Fellow: $ 627,741 [125.6% of goal]
- Against our $3 Million “Every Gift Counts/Every Classmate Matters” Goal, we’ve raised $ 4,369,290 [145.6% of goal]
- Against our unofficial quest to exceed $7.3 Million in lifetime giving, we’ve now raised $ 7,513,022
- Against our other unofficial goal of raising $250,000 in support of the new Alumni Center – $ 161,036 [ 64.4% ]***
- And, finally, the most audacious goal of all, 73% Participation – as of 10/31/2022 we were at 65% [495 donors].
***[ NOTE: This includes 8 Classmates/Spouses who have agreed to be listed as PLANKOWNERS – and it’s not too late for anyone else wanting to join the pace setters and be recognized as such] [DM: we have added several more PLANKOWNERS in the last two weeks!]
Gentlemen – We are clearly within striking distance of achieving something no Naval Academy 50th Reunion Class has ever done, thus again assuring we “Continue the Legacy”. Bounce ’73, Bounce!!!
In summary, we’ve met or exceeded all of our top line financial goals. However, we cannot spike the ball in the end zone until we’ve met our second derivative goals for Academic Excellence (the ’73 Cyber Tutor) and for Leadership / Character Excellence (the Fred Minier Ethics Fellow). As far as reaching 73% in Reunion Campaign participation, Mark tells us we are only 62 shy of the mark. Therefore, we want to ask each of you to continue to reach out to your respective Company Reps and ask them to assist us in spreading the word. And, please also reach out to your own Class, Team, Service Community and professional networks to encourage others to join us in our worthy cause.
When it comes to said encouragement and making the the appeal of “Join Us…”, we believe the most compelling stories one can tell when seeking philanthropic support are those of measurable impact. You may recall a video co-produced by the NAAA and the Foundation Athletics & Scholarship Programs Trustees speaking to athletics excellence and physical mission and using the Class of ’73 Heinz Lenz Fellow program as an illustrative example of impact to USNA mission [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PSVbFSE69w ]. Along that same line, the Foundation staff worked with us and the Stockdale Center to produce another informational video, again featuring the impact of theClass of ’73 Fred Minier Ethics Fellow:[ Classof73FireSideChat – YouTube ]”
As you may recall, Doug Leland has organized a Bike Ride Across America with about eight of our Classmates. In true non sibi fashion, they are doing this solely to honor and remember the 100 plus of our Classmates who have gone before us. The ride will terminate in Annapolis on the weekend of our 50th Class Reunion, 5-8 October 2023, and this remembrance will be amplified by our Class Memorial Service on 6 October.Doug has suggested – and Class Officers and Foundation Leadership concur – that if you would like to tangibly honor and/or memorialize a Classmate, please consider joining Doug for the Ride, or donating in a Classmate’s name to the Class of 1973 Heinz Lenz Fellow Fund [https://www.usna.com/give/73HEINZLENZFELLOW]
Thank you, Doug, for setting the example and pace for ‘73. Non sibi, Classmate.
“Finally, if you have been keeping track, most – if not all – of us will either be or turn 72 in calendar year 2023. This will require those of us with IRA, 401(k) and 403(b) funds to being withdrawing from those accounts. This Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) is recognized as taxable income to the IRS (and in most states). To minimize what could be a considerable tax bite (not to mention an increase in Medicare Premiums) we all have the opportunity to turn some or all of the RMD into a Qualified Charitable Distribution (QCD). This allows the philanthropic-minded to be tax smart and cash flow brilliant. We are working with our Foundation team in coming up with a set of FAQs and/or an easy to understand one-pager of “good gouge” to assist all Classmates with this new financial mechanism. [DM: Congress has modified this law, but we should be cognizant of estate planning and how distributions to charities, such as USNA Foundation, can be tax efficient…much less the right thing to do.]
Every Gift Counts…Every Classmate Matters!” Thank you, George.
Happy New Year! Onward to the 50th!
Non sibi,
Dirk P. D. Mosis III, 118 Kitty Kat Lane, Boerne, Texas 78006 210-204-0352
SACC: After 26 years, the Service Academy Career Conference (SACC) is continuing to better serve our service academy alumni. While much is changing, you can count on SACC to continue providing outstanding opportunities to connect with industry-leading companies and premier academic institutions as you navigate career transitions and consider pursuing graduate degrees. SACC is back to in person in 2022. Whether you’re searching for top talent for your organization or a new opportunity for yourself, join and/or contact us for SACC. Your Alumni Community is here to support you! Career Programs department has assisted thousands of grads with their military to civilian transitions, job changes within the civilian sector and meeting prestigious university admissions recruiters for veteran friendly advanced education opportunities (MBA, EMBA and technical degrees). Career Counseling is available by appointment to alumni making career/job transitions from the military or moving in the civilian sector. Email Joe Fagan.
Here is the link for more information and registration: https://sacc-jobfair.com/
To all Naval Academy alumni: On March 31, 2021, the former Chair of the Board of Trustees Admiral Samuel Locklear ’77 invited you to complete the 2021 Alumni Survey to “ensure we have the vital data and information to inform our path forward together.”
Today, Admiral Mark Ferguson ’78, the current Chair of the Board of Trustees, is releasing the 2021 Alumni Survey Report and its materials.
We now invite you to explore those materials at this link. You will need to be logged into usna.com to view the reports. The Alumni Association will be conducting virtual town hall briefings in coordination with the Board of Trustees Regional Trustees over the next few months.
Thank you, and Go Navy!
10 JANUARY 2022 – Here is some important news from our Class President, Dirk Mosis, from the recent Council of Class Presidents Meeting. These are very interesting Power Point slides.
211202 COCP Fall Superintendent’s Brief[197]
Class President’s NAAA Brief 12-2-21 FINAL[199]COCP – ADM Mark Ferguson ’78[201]
4 JANUARY 2022 – This is what Annapolis looks like after a rare 12-inch snowfall.
21 JUL 2021 – Colonel J.P McDonough, USMC, the 89th Commandant at the Naval Academy, issued the following “Commandant’s Intent” letter to the Brigade of Midshipmen: Commandant’s Intent Letter
23 JUN 2021 – The Naval Academy Alumni Association Board of Trustees (BOT) met for the Spring 2021 Board meeting on 14 May 2021. Here are the reports from the meeting:
Alumni Association President’s Report
USNA Superintendent’s Spring presentation
Here is a summary of the meeting from Rich Cataldi (’69), the USNAAA Board of Trustees Central Region Representative:
Following the regular business meeting, Admiral Sam Locklear ’77, USN (Ret.), was relieved by Admiral Mark Ferguson ’78, USN (Ret.), as the Chairman of the Board of Trustees. Admiral Locklear made a difference, and we wish him fair winds and following seas.
I look forward to working with Admiral Ferguson and I am confident that he will make a difference as well. He and I had good get-acquainted phone call that lasted more than 30 minutes. He asked good questions concerning my experiences as a trustee, as a member of the admissions committee and member of the Board’s Executive Committee. He was interested in my perception on what the Association does right and where it can improve in serving all our alumni. I expect ADM Ferguson will apply his military and civilian experience to keep USNAAA moving in a positive direction.
The latest USNA information has the Class of 2025 arriving in 3 groups beginning 28 June with the NAPS graduates, then about 500 appointees on the 29th and 30th, with the Oath of Office ceremony scheduled for the evening of June 30. Families of the incoming plebes are invited to attend the 7 PM ceremony, which will also be livestreamed. All requests for personal swearing-in ceremonies have been approved.
The next big USNAAA BOT effort will be to develop a new 10-year strategic plan using the data collected during the recent alumni survey. The next BOT meeting will take place on Thursday, 9 December 2021. Hopefully, this will be a face-to-face meeting. As always, please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or if I can be of any service to you.
I wish you and your loved ones all the best in 2021.
Richard A. Cataldi (1969)
14 MAY 2021 – The USNA Council of Class Presidents met on 29 April 2021. Here are the presentations from that meeting:
12 APR 2021 – The following message and presentation concerning the status of the Blue and Gold Program was sent to all USNA Class Presidents. Here is the presentation: Rev 5 USNAAA BGO Presentation
10 JUN 2020 – The Naval Academy Alumni Association sent the following very important message to Naval Academy Alumni and other members of the Naval Academy Community: 10 JUN 2020 – Message on Core Values
Please follow this link a Military Times article on the 2020 USNA commissioning ceremonies: https://www.military.com/daily-news/2020/05/13/first-round-naval-academy-midshipmen-commissioned-coronavirus-altered-ceremony.html
Here is a link to photographs of the Blue Angels flyover in honor of the Class of 2020 graduation: https://www.flickr.com/photos/unitedstatesnavalacademy/albums/72157714383132843
ANNAPOLIS, Md. — Induction for the United States Naval Academy Class of 2024, originally scheduled for Jun. 25, 2020, has been delayed by approximately one week. The Naval Academy will receive the incoming class over a four-day period, Jun. 29 – Jul. 2, 2020. Incoming students will be notified of their new report date and time over the next week.
“Induction is being shifted by one week in order to take the necessary, precautionary steps to safely induct and train the Class of 2024 amidst the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Naval Academy Superintendent Vice Adm. Sean S. Buck.
Following the final move out of the Class of 2020 from Bancroft Hall, Naval Academy staff will shift its focus to the deliberate move out of the remaining classes of midshipmen and a thorough cleaning and sanitizing of the dormitory.
To maximize the safety of incoming plebes, their family members and friends, and USNA staff, Induction will be closed to all guests, including parents, family and friends, the media, and members of the public (including individuals with Yard access). A final decision regarding Plebe Parents’ Weekend (currently scheduled for Aug. 7-9) is still pending and will be announced at a later date.
The incoming plebe class will participate in a 14-day restriction of movement (ROM) upon arrival to USNA. We will also ask incoming plebes through additional correspondence to self-isolate in their homes and minimize contact with others to the maximum extent possible during the two-week period prior to their report date.
“During the ROM at USNA, plebes will be indoctrinated in the Naval Academy’s moral and mental missions through online lectures, and the study of the Navy’s Bluejacket Manual and Midshipmen Regulations Manual,” said Commandant of Midshipmen Capt. T.R. Buchanan. “Similarly, upper class midshipmen and staff who will be involved with the training of the incoming class over plebe summer will be in a ROM status to ensure the health and safety of all involved.”
USNA is committed to protecting the health of our force. We have been and will remain in close coordination with state and federal public health authorities to ensure the well-being of our personnel and local population.
For more information about the Naval Academy, please visit: www.usna.edu or our Facebook page.
FAQs can be found at www.usna.edu/COVID-19
21 MAY 2020 – A message from Athletic Director Chet Gladchuk on the current state of Naval Academy Athletics.
Please follow this link to a very informative statement from Chet: http://navyathletics.fan-one.com/nl/jsp/m.jsp?c=%40DHKiK2qLP35pvWzAIuqk9FO4%2F2k3m6BDFB1j%2FZZg88Y%3D